Realtime AIS overlay was announced for the ever popular Boating app from Navionics back in July 2019. This has been great step forward in using your boat data to its full potential. But how can you get AIS data on your favourite boating app? Read on and find out.

Increase your situational awareness on the water, especially during low visibility or in heavy traffic areas.
See nearby targets overlaid on your charts in real time. Just connect the Boating app to a compatible WI-FI AIS receiver. No internet connection is needed.
IMPORTANT: this and other new features are available in the latest version of Boating Marine & Lakes for Apple® devices and Boating HD Marine & Lakes for Android™ devices. If you have a Boating app with a different title, please read here.
Your sixth sense on the water
This new Boating app feature allows you to see Aids-to-Navigation (ATON) and Class A & B targets on the map.
Various icon shapes depict different vessel categories. The transparency of the target icons allows you to quickly understand if a vessel is moving (opaque) or still (transparent). Select any target to see vessel details such as, name, MMSI, IMO, call sign, status, speed, heading, coordinates, distance from your GPS location, and more.
How to activate the AIS feature What you need: - The latest version of the Boating app with an active subscription (Check in Menu > Me > Subscription). - A compatible Wi-Fi AIS receiver, such as our Em-Trak B924 or B954.
- A compatible Wi-Fi Gateway on your NMEA 2000 network, such as Actisense W2K-1 This is an offline feature - no internet connection is needed.
Ready to give it a try? Open the app, go to Menu > Connect a Device and follow the instructions to wirelessly connect an external device. If you’ve connected other external devices before, just press the "+" symbol to add another one.
Get in touch if you don't have a compatible Wi-Fi AIS or Gateway on your system, and we'll be more than happy to discuss the available options.
If you don't have the Navionics Boating app yet, download it for free, and enjoy a trial of all the charts and features.
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*Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance